My Pets

My Pets

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Day 8, July 14, 2010

Our task today was to prepare a video preparation story. We worked in groups and we first had to decide upon the student and task that we were going to prepare the story for. We then had to take the video shots, download the shots, write the text, and record the voice. Sounded like lots of fun and actually, it was. We had barrels of laughs doing the video shots. However, we ended up working into the evening hours as we ran into several technical difficulties. Just before we presented the project, we realized that we had forgotten to change some of the text to present tense. So, we quickly did this (thanks to Carl) only to realize we didn't have time or the environment to change the voice. What to do now? Nothing we could do other than accept it and use it as a learning experience. I doubt if this will ever happen to either one of us again. As I reflected on the day's work, I thought , "this is no different than the struggles that our students sometimes have". I can use this experience as a reality check or reminder that students' reasons for late or incomplete work is probably as legitimate as ours. It also reminds me to think of the frustrations that students with disabilities must experience when learning to use assistive technology and certainly before they are equipped with assistive technology.

1 comment:

  1. Margaret, How true - we are quick to judge if a student makes an excuse. We quickly forget that things do interfere or perhaps the student just doesn't understand. As we learned in the PM class - some think it is better to be labelled as bad (didn't do homework) rather than didn't understand.
